Quality Control Plan: Is it Reducing Cycle Time Delays?


Checking that the quality control plan is working

Most home builders have a Quality Management System in place. If that program isn’t actively reducing callbacks, rework and cycle time delays, there’s a reason.

Most QIs focus solely on the immediate need. But home builders who aim to improve their production process and quality control plans use their QI system to understand the bigger picture and eliminate cycle time delays.

They continually appraise their Trade Partner’s overall accuracy and efficiency, and even drill down to the precision of individual crews. So, how do they manage all that?

Through the implementation of a First Time Quality System.

First Time Quality (FTQ) aims to reduce quality issues and cycle times by completing tasks correctly on the first attempt. This Quality Control Program equips jobsite Superintendents or QC Managers with inspection checklists to ensure that each task is 100% complete before moving onto the next one.

FTQ Inspections take it a step further. It identifies Hot Spots, or continuous non-conforming work. That can include poor workmanship, the installation of defective or unapproved materials, or even delays that continually bottleneck the schedule. Ultimately, Hot Spots will identify activities in the construction process that need attention.

[FREE EBOOK] Your Complete Guide to Achieving First Time Quality

Once problem activities are identified, the Homebuilder can evaluate Trade Partner accuracy. Many builders have a wide trade base, and often comparisons are made on price. (i.e. Which Framing Company has the lowest bid?)

When the costs of callbacks and schedule delays are factored into the estimate, the lowest bid isn’t always the least expensive.

An FTQ System enables better tracking of quality control activities and average cycle time by providing a deeper level of comparison. This is especially important when dealing with Trade Partners who have multiple crews or subcontractors performing the work.

When FTQ Hot Spots are analyzed, the Home Builder can compare crews or subcontractors. This means they can tie the number of problems to a specific trade AND a specific crew. This allows the Homebuilder to determine why a Trade Partner had a drop-off in quality standards or may provide inconsistent work. With firm data, the builder can see which crews are performing and which are not.

Some of this information will be obvious to the onsite Superintendent. He may immediately tell you that he’s always thought Crew B was useless and he requests Crew A when scheduling his framing activity.

However, does that critical information flow up the ladder to the Homebuilder? Does it even make it to the other neighborhood struggling with Crew B? Would dispatch, or scheduling, or purchasing benefit from that knowledge? And how would this information -- supported with actual hard data -- impact the Homebuilder’s price negotiation with the framer?

Finally, FTQ involves Trade Partners in achieving quality objectives and continuous improvement process. The jobsite Superintendent or QC Manager is responsible for inspections and tests, while Trade Partners can also assess the completed work and ensure it meets customer requirements.

Was the preceding task 100% complete? Was the jobsite 100% ready? The Drywall Installer is depending on the Framer to build a level wall, just like the Framer is depending on the Concrete Company to pour a smooth slab.

FTQ not only facilitates communication between Trades, but it also provides a competitive advantage by enabling them to provide feedback on the quality plan and acceptance criteria. This Trade-to-Trade communication takes phase completion to a new level, regardless of the builder's inspection.

An effective FTQ System works on two levels. It provides the immediate inspection to ensure the job is completed right the first time to industry standards and the Homeowner receives a quality-built home. It also provides the Homebuilder with the tools and the supporting data to develop and grow its Trade base, while eliminating calls backs and cycle time delays.

P.S. Want the tool that Superintendents will adopt to improve their quality plans? Get a Free Trial of FTQ360 today and have a Quality Control Plan that works!

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