What Is CMS Software In Project Commissioning?


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Today’s SCADA and DCS automation systems generate an overwhelming amount of data.  Project commissioning today suffers from information overload and it can become impossible to manage the amount of information generated.

Robust CMS (Content Management System) software solutions are required in order to manage and process all the information that is available to operators and provide easy access to the right information at the right time.

This can only be accomplished with the use of sophisticated CMS systems to manage all the information.  Without leveraging a CMS package on your project, the amount of data and documentation to manage on your project will become overwhelming very early in your project.  And unfortunately it can be difficult to catch up mid-project in order to implement the correct systems.  Your project can quickly spiral out of control if not set up for success at the beginning.

Data and documentation exist throughout the duration of the project, and this includes the commissioning phase.  For commissioning of your project, a significant amount of documentation is required in advance and a significant amount of information is generated during testing.  Having access to the documentation via a mobile app is vital.


In preparation for commissioning, there are many documents that need to be created to define the testing to be completed.  Multiple checklists and procedures are created that define how specific tests will be conducted on each piece of equipment.  Test documents can apply to one or more piece of equipment with multiple documents to keep track of.  And with so many parts of the project, it can be challenging to organize test documents and ensure nothing gets missed.  A CMS package helps with this, these are the 2 key reasons you need to know:

  1. CMS packages make creation of documentation much easier by providing access to standard templates for checklists and procedures, saving time and keeping all documents consistent
  2. CMS packages make organization of documentation more streamlined – each test document is assigned to specific tagged equipment so that no tests are missed during the commissioning process

By leveraging the CMS software packages that exist on the market today, your commissioning team can feel much more confident that all documentation is ready in advance of the fast-paced commissioning activities.

Being prepared in advance of commissioning is of course an important aspect of the project.  Equally important is to ensure processes are in place to manage the data that is produced during commissioning.  As pre-commissioning checks are performed, there are many checklists to fill out and review. 

The amount of paperwork generated in the field can be difficult to track and process by the project team.  There is a better way than managing this data using paper and spreadsheets.  CMS packages leverage today’s online resources to streamline the process electronically.  Checklist data is entered directly into the CMS avoiding any lost information or illegible data entry.  All the data from testing is captured for all to see on the project, avoiding any delays in communication. 

Commissioning tests, particularly for automation systems, generate an enormous amount of information that requires analysis and archive.  Manually sorting through the data and evaluating using Excel spreadsheets can be a never-ending task.  With the huge amount of data produced, this can only be managed using a software package that can refine the data and present it in a meaningful way to the client.  

Simply handing over a USB stick with thousands of Excel spreadsheets is not appropriate – nobody will ever look at the information in the future.  But reviewing and organizing it in a manner that makes the information usable in the future is a much better way to turn information over to the client.

There are many completed checklists and test reports submitted on the project that need to be organized and handed over to the client.  In the past, hard copies of these documents have been consolidated in binders or electronic files stored in a folder for consolidation at the end of the project for turnover to the client.  

CMS software can make this process much easier by gathering data and documentation in real-time during the project and archiving it in the correct location for turnover at a later date.  At the end of the project, it is as simple as clicking a button to generate the desired turnover package to give to the owner.  A summer student no longer has to spend months gathering all data and documents, printing all the sheets, and arranging everything nicely in a large 3-ring binder.  

CMS packages will organize all documents according to the system hierarchy and present a professional package to the client that on-site operators will be able to reference for years to come.

With the amount of data and documentation generated on today’s projects, a CMS package is a must.  Without the use of CMS software, projects quickly become overwhelming and spiral out of control.  Your project needs to implement CMS software in order to keep up with the crushing amount of information produced on today’s projects.

FTQ360 is a cloud commissioning platform to improve and streamline your commissioning process so that you get it right the first time. It starts with the end in mind by collecting documents and reports in an organized way throughout the commissioning process so that you are always prepared for a fast and easy closeout. Automatically format and organize all inspections and tests into a turnover package. 

With FTQ360, upfront planning of inspections and tests for specific equipment and systems and schedule management are baked right into the process. It also comes with a large library of fully customizable checklist templates to help you save time.

Communicate issues in a managed process from discovery to resolution and tie all tests and inspections to specific equipment tags, sub-systems and the overall system.

Generate easy-to-read inspection reports with proof-positive compliance documentation at the touch of button. See the big picture with dashboards and graphical reports, then focus on the details. View reports online or schedule them to automatically run and email.

FTQ360 is available as a mobile app and web application. For more information on how FTQ360 can improve your commissioning process, book a free trial today.


Commissioning Cx Software

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