Mobile Inspection App: Improving the process for Inspectors

Mobile Inspection App: Improving the process for Inspectors

Improving the mobile  inspection app process

You see your field inspector take forever to send a text message, and wonder if he could ever learn to do paperless inspections using a mobile inspection app on his phone or a tablet.

The answer is yes; with a little training and simplifying his choices, he'll be whipping through inspections on his mobile device in no time.

While the FTQ360 Mobile Inspection App is easy to learn and use, you can do a little bit of upfront ‘hand holding’ to get your technology-challenged field personnel set up and running more quickly.

Here are some steps that you can take to ensure a faster learning curve with the FTQ360 site inspection app.

  • Install the inspection app on his device for him. Dock the app on the bottom of his phone or tablet home screen so it is easy to find.
  • Login to the app for him and save the login settings. He will press only one button to login and start inspecting.

  • Watch two online training videos together: 1) application overview and 2) inspector training.  15 minutes of overview videos and discussion will make the rest of your training easier.
  • Show examples of good inspections so he gets a clear idea of how his inspections should look. Point out good pictures, useful notes, and scoring feedback.
  • Have your inspector login and guide him through making several inspections until he can do it alone.
  • After the initial training you should monitor his job site inspections. Provide feedback and guidance so he knows he is doing a respectable job inspecting on his own.

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You can set FTQ360 up so inspectors only see their project and the inspection checklists they are to use.

This makes doing paperless inspections on a mobile device simpler and there is not a lot for him to learn.  Every pre-selection you make is a one less decision he needs to make.  Fewer decisions makes it easier for him to stay on track.

Here are some techniques to simplify his inspection choices.

  • Simplify project choices. When setting up the project, select the user as one of the people allowed to inspect on that project.  If the user is working only on one project, that project is automatically selected, so he does not have to make any project choices.
  • Simplify choosing which checklist to use. You can pre-select which checklists are active on the project.  In this way, FTQ360 will ask the user to choose only from the list of pre-selected project-specific checklists.

  • Simplify subcontractor selection lists. Like pre-selecting checklists, you can pre-select project subcontractors. This keeps the subcontractor selection list small and light.

  • Use the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) when you want to mistake proof the inspector’s selections. The ITP creates a sequential list of inspections for him with all of the details pre-selected.  In this way, he has one list and just selects the inspection from the top of the list.
  • Simplify his mobile inspection app by turning off his user permissions to the setup and reporting screens.
  • Further simplify the inspector’s available choices by activating and deactivating his viewable selections as the project progresses. Using this method, you can limit the choices he has on any given day to the inspections he should perform on that day – if necessary.

The technologically challenged can quickly learn to inspect with their field inspection app when you have a systematic teaching process and an application that is simple for them to use.

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