5 Core QAQC Functions for Construction Projects


qaqc for construction projects

Quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) in the construction industry have never been more crucial. Construction projects are becoming more ambitious in terms of size and complexity. For example, the Burj al Arab in Dubai is one of the tallest hotel buildings in the world, sitting on an artificial island and requiring stringent QAQC to ensure that every aspect was built according to specifications and state and federal laws.

But, even with its engineering complexity, it pales in comparison with some construction projects currently in the works, such as units 3 and 4 of Plant Vogtle, located in Waynesboro, Georgia, which will become the largest nuclear plant in the United States. With over 9,000 workers on site, QAQC is crucial to ensure safety, functionality, and meeting project deadlines.

construction project manager

(Image source: energy.gov)

QAQC is essential for any construction process. In order to ensure that the end product meets the desired standards, QAQC procedures need to be in place from the very beginning.


Learn more about FTQ360'S 6 Essential QAQC Functions For Construction Projects


Below, we discuss the five core QAQC functions that should be carried out during every construction project.

What Is QAQC in Construction?

QAQC is a set of procedures and processes put in place to ensure that the finished construction project meets all specifications and requirements. QAQC includes checking and documenting all materials, processes, and construction work to ensure they meet set standards. QAQC helps prevent project delays and potential rework and ensures that the end product meets all codes and regulations. QAQC is often carried out by a QAQC manager or QAQC inspector, who will have specific QAQC training and experience.

What Are the 5 Core Functions of QAQC in Construction?

The following are the five core quality assurance and control functions in construction projects. It doesn't matter what kind of project it is, be it government buildings, office buildings, parking garages, or even a retail space. All construction projects must have a quality control and assurance plan.

Punch Lists and Daily Reports

To ensure that projects are completed to the highest standards, quality assurance teams carry out regular inspections and create punch lists of any issues that need to be addressed. The term "punch list" is derived from the practice of punching holes in a list of items that need to be fixed. By creating a punch list, quality assurance teams can quickly identify and rectify any problems before they impact the quality of the finished project.

In addition to punch lists, quality control teams also submit daily reports documenting the progress of the project and highlighting any potential issues.

By using punch lists and daily reports, quality assurance and quality control teams can help to ensure that construction projects are completed to the highest possible standards.

Inspection Checklists

Inspection checklists are an important tool for quality assurance and quality control in the construction industry. By providing a systematic way to check that all aspects of a construction project meet quality standards, they help to ensure that the finished project meets the client's expectations. In addition, inspection checklists can help to identify potential problems early on before they have a chance to cause serious damage or delays.

Project Quality Controls

Project quality controls are procedures and standards designed to ensure that the final product meets all the requirements and specifications. Establishing quality controls at the outset of a project helps to ensure that the finished product will be of high quality and meet the client's expectations.


There are many different types of project quality controls, but some common ones include testing and inspection plans, quality control plans, and quality assurance plans. Testing and inspection plans spell out exactly what tests need to be conducted at what stage of the project in order to ensure that the finished product meets all the necessary specifications. Quality control plans outline the procedures that will be used to check for defects and non-conformance with standards. Quality assurance plans are more general in nature and outline the overall strategy for ensuring quality throughout the project.

Engineering Inspections and Commissioning

Engineering inspections and commissioning are important QAQC functions during construction projects. Engineering inspections involve checking all engineering elements of the project, such as structural integrity and functionality of mechanical systems. Commissioning involves testing all aspects of the project to ensure they meet specifications and can also include training for the operators of the finished project.


Learn more about FTQ360'S 6 Essential QAQC Functions For Construction Projects


Proactive Quality Assurance and Risk Management

In addition to checking for quality during and after construction, quality teams also play a role in proactively ensuring quality and managing risk throughout the project. This can include identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them, as well as implementing processes and procedures to ensure quality at each stage of the project.

QAQC Using FTQ360 Construction Quality Assurance Software

Using QAQC software, such as FTQ360, can greatly simplify and streamline the quality process for construction projects. FTQ360 eliminates the antiquated methods of manual QAQC functions and comes with built-in checklists and processes that ensure consistency. In addition, it offers a centralized platform for quality teams to communicate and collaborate, making the QAQC process more efficient and effective.

Overall, QAQC is a crucial aspect of construction projects, helping to ensure that the finished product meets all the necessary requirements and specifications and proactively managing risks throughout the project. By utilizing quality software such as FTQ360, QAQC teams can streamline and simplify their processes, resulting in a higher-quality finished project.

Are you ready to streamline your QAQC process with FTQ360? Contact us today for a demo.

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