Quality Management System: Can it Grow at Your Pace?

Quality Management System: Can it Grow at Your Pace?

When you first decide to buy quality management software, you probably want to find a solution that meets just your basic needs.

At the very least, you want to ensure that your quality management systems allow you to use a tablet or smartphone to inspect in the field, take pictures during your inspection, and create inspection reports - all of which can lead to increased customer satisfaction. However, as your business grows and changes, it's important to consider what additional features you may need from your qms software to maintain high levels of quality and customer satisfaction. Here are five questions to ask yourself to find the right solution.

Do you have a Quality Management System that is easy to use?

If the system is not fast, easy, and intuitive, people will not use it. You want a system that is easy to use so that anyone can get up to speed quickly. This way, you do not need to take the time or spend the money to train everyone.

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Can you communicate and track problems easily?

Effective communication and tracking are vital components of total quality management. In the short term, you can utilize various methods such as calling someone, sending an email with a picture attachment, or leaving a printed report for someone. However, a comprehensive quality management system standard will help ensure that no deficiency is forgotten and ultimately lead to a successful construction project.


You'll want a construction quality management solution that lets you easily show what needs to be fixed and share it with any number of project and/or company personnel. Being able to communicate problems and then track them until they are fixed is a necessity and saves time, frustration, and money.

Can you get more out of the information you already track?

You know you need a system that allows you to track which work tasks of a project pass or fail. However, once all items have passed inspection, will you be able to see which work was done right in the first place and which needed rework?

Maybe you want to set due dates for your rework so you can see what parts may delay your project. Will you be able to see what items are or were late. Without these details, it might be difficult to stay on top of issues and to-do items.

Do you have the power to measure quality and improve performance?

As you establish your quality objectives, your needs may evolve from simple on-site inspections and report creation to a more sophisticated system that utilizes quality management software to identify recurring issues and recommend appropriate actions. By implementing quality management system principles, you can pinpoint weak spots in your project and proactively address them, ensuring continuous improvement over time.

If the system lets you track scores and see which checkpoints need to be fixed, you can see where most of your problems are. You can then decide whether people need training, or you can review issues with a subcontractor.

Quality improves once crews and subcontractors realize that you can compare their work. Plus, you’ll have the information you need to improve your overall quality and safety procedures.

Can you track information unique to your business?

As your business grows, it is important to establish a quality system that includes company standards for construction details and work procedures. This system will help ensure consistency and reliability in your work. Quality control measures can be implemented during inspections to ensure that these standards are being met. In addition, continuous quality improvement can be achieved by collecting and analyzing data on the effectiveness of the quality system and making adjustments as needed. A checklist can be used during inspections to ensure that all necessary measurements and information are being collected.

Maybe you have information unique to your business that you want to track. For example, if you install equipment, you might want to attach documents to the equipment record as it goes through different stages of installation and commissioning.

In addition to manuals for equipment, it's also important to have a quality manual that outlines your organization's quality management system standards and principles. This manual should clearly define the processes, procedures, and responsibilities necessary to meet those standards. By implementing a quality management system that adheres to these standards and principles, you can ensure that your equipment and operations meet the necessary requirements. Test reports can be attached to the quality manual to provide evidence of compliance and to help improve the quality management system over time.

If you have information unique to your business that you want to track, make sure your quality management solution has a way to handle it.


You should buy software that meets your basic needs now, but you should also consider what you will need in the future. Think about how a construction quality management system might give you the chance to improve your business. If you make an investment in a system with more features now, you can save money and frustration in the future.

If you need help deciding what future needs your business might have, let us know. We can put our many years of experience to good use to help you make the best decision.

To learn more, Visit FTQ360.com
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