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One of the most important parts of setting up your quality management system is to create aConstruction Inspection checklist....
QAQC inspection services within the oil and gas industry are an essential beast that is embedded into every component, tool and...
A lot of time and energy is invested upfront when a Construction Quality Control measure is implemented on the jobsite....
Many oil and gas companies still use antiquated inspection techniques based on pen, paper, and spreadsheets. The industry is...
Construction checklists are small, thumbnail sketches of the real world used for the construction industry. They are incomplete...
Cycle time makes or breaks the Builder. Take too long to build, and the Builder risks lower margins if not losing money on the...
Digitization of the oil and gas industry is happening, but many challenges need to be addressed. For example, the lack of digital...
Pre-construction meetings, informal lookaheads, and formal preparatory meetings are common practices for planning project details...
A lot of change is going on in the oil and gas industry. As a result, QA/QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control) Inspectors in...
Many builders use construction checklists to verify critical milestones in the construction site and construction projects as a...
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